Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bitten, 6/530 pages

Given that I seem to only be able to read two to three pages at a time, I'm not particularly sure at this point if I'm going to continue reading this book or not. The style and language has not really grabbed me, but this may also be due to the fact that I've really enjoyed watching the TV show and I've found that when I see a movie (or read the book) first that I have a difficult time getting into one thing or another. However, I'll try to give Bitten a few chapters before deciding to continue or drop it.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

To Do List (Updated: August 21st, Completed)

  1. Add Current Reads.
  2. Add additional Reading Challenge.
  3. Start on Savages review. (On hold)
  4. The Cold Dish review.
  5. Blameless review.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Direction

General Re-Vamp
Since I don't do much with this blog, I recently decided to repurpose it as a book/personal blog. What this re-vamp will entail is to serve as my progress bar, so to speak, of the books I'm reading along with my thoughts on said books.

Reading Challenge
In the past, I've tried Goodreads reading challenges without much success. This year, I'm proud to say that I've been pretty good at keeping up with the challenge and hope to incorporate other challenges in the future. I've found that having friends to help me by participating in a challenge is really beneficial, so if you need someone to help you like that, please let me know!

Book Reviews
As previously mentioned, I'll be posting book reviews along with the progress I'm making withy current reads. Reviews will include a rating, what else the book is similar to, and what I liked and didn't like about the book.

Lastly, the blog will also include a smattering of personal thoughts and photos. As of right now, I think I'll limit such posts to travel and outings. :)